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Introducing Resident Precollect


What happens when a resident moves out with a balance due? In the debt collections environment, former residents are usually surprised by our call and are very surprised at the amount due. When communicating with former residents, we often have to explain charges for improper notice, no pre-vacate inspection, why they owe two months’ rent for breaking a lease, possession filing fees, the concept of and joint and several liability and the list goes on. All this makes the debt collection harder. 

Fact is: You need to recover your lost revenue, and the former resident needs to resolve their debt before it affects them in formal collections.  

Here’s where Resident PreCollect comes in.  

Our professionals provide former resident recovery on your company’s behalf, freeing your staff from making calls, and ensuring consistent and timely follow-up by experienced collectors. The goal of this new solution is to minimize the number and amount of accounts referred to collections, which we find can have a far greater impact on our clients’ success. 

With Resident PreCollect, you can expect our trained, compassionate experts will work with your former resident to provide options and payment plans to help them resolve the problem, and we keep them clearly informed of their status.  

You can also expect: 

Complete transparency 

We provide visibility to the actions taken—and their results—on each account. 

Brand protection 

Our customer service professionals are trained to be empathetic, while also focusing on your goals.  

Cost-effective outcomes 

We offer a lower rate to recover early in the cycle, making a positive financial impact. 

Improved results 

We’ll ensure increased recovery through our innovative, consistent work efforts.  

Through clear, friendly communication, Resident PreCollect helps contact former residents to resolve their delinquent accounts quickly. From early delinquency to day 60, we reach out with one-touch per week, including reminders, payment options, and final notice before third-party involvement on day 61. 

Backed by powerful tech innovation. And brought to you by a best-in-class, trusted industry expert. 

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